Blog: Should We Fight ISIL?


Date: Sept. 10, 2014
Issues: Defense

Most libertarians accept the fact that national defense is an acceptable use of government force. I am all for the government fielding an army to protect against attack and to respond to attacks on our country. The question before us today is whether we should use preemptive attacks in the Middle East against ISIL (ISIS).

Although one can argue that pre-emptive attacks can sometimes save lives and property, such as Israel's strike against Egypt in the 1967 War, the U.S. does not have ISIL troops gathered on our borders ready to attack and destroy us. ISIL has enough enemies in the area, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iran, among others, that a preemptive strike by the U.S. is certainly not necessary in order to keep America safe from attack. Beware the politicians who say otherwise as they will mislead you in order to hide their real agendas. How often have our political leaders been wrong in the use of force, not only in the Mid-east, but around the world?

I am extremely suspicious of war mongers, therefore I stand squarely with Ron Paul when he advises us to get and stay out. We have not been right in our Mid-east policies in at least a half a century and I see no indication that our President or our Congress has a legitimate,achievable plan of action today.
